This course is offered as part of the Engaging God's Future series.

This is a collaboration between
 Wartburg Theological Seminary's Center for Theology and Land and Dialog Works.

Discerning God's Leading - Winter '25

This course begins Thursday, January 16.
Live sessions will be from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central Time.
Sessions will be held on January 16, 23, 30; February 13, 20, 27; and March 6
(No class on February 6.)

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Rev. Dr. Mark Yackel-Juleen  (click for information)

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Rev. Dr. David Anderson-Hooker, JD (Click for information)

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Jeff Kjellberg, Consultant (Click for information)

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Peter Soli, Program Director (Click for information)

Course overview
Learn practical strategies and techniques for helping your congregation discern its mission and ministry options.
We designed this course to help faith leaders
  • improve their ability to guide their congregation in understanding their mission and ministry options
  • learn participatory techniques and processes
  • help enhance listening skills
  • gain proficiency in managing conflict
  • understand the nature of consensus
  • learn different methods for leading a discernment process.
Ultimately, this course aims to build your competence and confidence in your leadership role, guiding your congregation towards a new chapter in ministry.
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Continuing Education Unites included
Participants will earn 2.4 CEU's awarded by Dialog Works and Wartburg Seminary. Those students who enroll in the other three courses in the Engaging God's Future series will be eligible for the Small Congregation Specialist certificate.
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Live sessions will be held on a weekday morning. These sessions will be recorded in the event you are unable to attend or wish to review.

Seven Live Sessions

This course features seven in person, live sessions. We share our experiences, questions, insights, and learn from each other.

Develop your skills

Learn the tools used by top professionals. You will be introduced to two approaches to facilitating the discernment process.

Read. Watch. Learn.

Boost your confidence! Case studies and the opportunity for coaching prepare you for ministry in your particular setting.
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